Thursday, October 25, 2007

Job: Compositors / Colourists - Melbourne + Sydney

Cinevex our film processing laboratory in Melbourne joined the digital
revolution in film two years ago when we established Cinevex Digital there
in response to market need. Since then we have continued to expand our
services and are about to add even more in the coming year.

So we are again in the position of looking for people for new positions and
evolving positions at the facility.

Specifically we are looking for:

Compositors: Applicants should have a good few films in their CV as
compositors, and have worked in a variety of media and formats. We are not
looking for people who want to be compositors or might be at a junior level
now. Those experienced compositors who might like to be settling into a
stable position for a career commitment and possible advancement in future
would best fit with our requirments for the role.

Colourist: Applicants to this role would be expected to have worked in a
long form grading environment, within Film or Television. We will ensure
training in traditional film colour grading and would also be seeking their
skills within the long form areas in video and television.

Cinevex has always maintained excellent client service and the applicants
will need to have good client interaction skills as well as technical, and
artistic abilities within their field.

References and CV's need to be provided to myself at the address following:

Robert Sandeman
Digital Services Manager
Atlab Australia
Unit 3 706 Mowbray Rd., LANE COVE 2066
*Direct: +61 (0)2-9429-6522
* Fax: +61 (0)2-9429-6598
*Cell: +61 (0)4-1947-8024

Potential animation gig:

This came through one of my regular email lists - It sounds like a good thing to have in a reel, and it also sounds like there will be a lot of exposure - so if your bored, or not gainfully employed at the moment get crackin!


I have animation work available on a live music project.
I have several videos to make for a electronic music band for their live visuals.

Each video will be a series of loops that cover sections of a song.
Loops built to the beats and rhythms of the music. All timings provided.

Each video is based upon an icon / character that has been designed in 2D.
Animators can adapt the character into 3D, 2D, line drawing, flash or stop motion and adapt the style.
I expect most of the animation to be the character simply on a white or black background.

Budget is limited for each video but creative freedom is large.
The videos will be seen throughout Australia at large music festivals.
Animators will be fully credited in publicity.

Project due at the end of November.
Contact me for more information.
I would like to see examples of animation work.
But a good chance to do some character animation work.


James Littlemore

Jobs: Web/Interactive - Melbourne

I have two 10 week gigs (or thereabouts) for a web/interactive designer/s.

The roles ask for designers of mid level experience that can demonstrate a reasonable number of web builds.

In both cases the roles will require the designer to work in my client’s office for the duration of the assignment.

Maybe a good way to round off the year.


Denis Masseni - Director

McPhersons Building, The Basement
546 Collins St Melbourne, 3000
Victoria Australia
P 61 3 8610 8380
F 61 3 8610 8388
M 0418 583520