Monday, October 08, 2007

short film VFX

This came through one of my regular email lists a few days ago - I have no additional info so dont bother asking! Though from reading the proficiencies that they are looking for, it seems to me like it would be a good gig to cut your teeth on VFX wise and also have in your showreel!

"Sword" is a short film about loneliness and the futility of many of the
things we do to escape it. It tells of one man's trip through Heaven and
Hell through his visit to 'The Cross' - a nightclub / hardcore-rave in a
massive cathedral.

The film will be approximately 8min duration and will be shot on HD
(although options are being examined for shooting on 4k) and finished on HD.
The shoot is planned for early 2008.

The shoot will take place entirely against Greenscreen - the environment and
associated effects will all be created digitally (out of photographic
elements wherever possible). The final look of the film will also be
heavily stylised. Because of this shooting approach, the film will require
a significant amount of planning and post production for the plates that
need to be shot.

The film is partially funded and further funding options are currently being
examined although it is anticipated that cast & crew roles will largely be
on a deferred fee basis (expenses covered) to get the highest possible
production value in to the finished image. This project is recommended for
experienced and passionate individuals seeking to gain a credit in an
advanced position on a high-quality film to showcase your work.

The producers are currently seeking expressions of interest from people with
skills in:
- Visual Effects planning and supervision
- Greenscreen extraction
- Rotoscoping
- Camera matching
- 3D modelling (architectural elements), lighting and texturing
- Compositing
- Grading

Interested parties should send CVs to

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