Tuesday, March 25, 2008




1. Enhancement of digital images – stills and panoramic
2. Creation of eBrochures and Interactive Floorplans
3. Creation of new Agent templates
4. Web development tasks (including updates of web pages, links and support notes)
5. Management of server-side space and content. Includes FTP folders and tokens, active webpages and eBrochures, proofing and email
6. Management of client-side digital files, folders and directories
7. Regular schedule of computer backups and systems administration


Casual. Initially, no set days or hours of work – if there is work to be done, we will phone/SMS or email you either the previous day or in the morning, if afternoon work is available. We will endeavour to work around your available days and times.

Initially, all work will be carried out at Internet Pictures’ North Ringwood Office (located close to Eastland). Later, you may be permitted to produce some (if not most) of the images at your home and transfer the completed images back to us via Internet.

The primary function of the position is to assist the business owner achieve a fast-turnaround and despatch of quality digital images and Internet presentation solutions.

Pay starts at $22.00 per hour and could be higher, depending on your experience and performance. Where you have to do the work at our Office, we will pay you a minimum of two hours work.

Once you have graduated to producing our images at your home, payment will be based on a “per acceptable completed image” basis. However, some home-based work would continue to be paid on a ‘time’-basis.

These arrangements should provide flexibility as to when you fit our imaging work into your day, provided the completed images get back to us by our deadlines and are of the quality we require.

Work is available for an immediate start.

Contact Werner on 9210 1268 for details

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