Saturday, May 20, 2006

Opportunities to become famous...

Wild Spaces Film Festival – Seeking Film Entries

Wild Spaces is a national environmental and social justice film festival and are currently seeking film entries for the 2006 festival. The festival will be screening around Australia and seeks to showcase the most exciting, progressive, inspirational, experimental and thought-provoking work from the film community focused on environmental and social justice issues. For entry forms and more information or to find out how to get involved, visit our website.

Closing Date: 2 June

MELBOURNE – Film Victoria Seminar Series May – October

Film Victoria's Digital Media Fund will be running a comprehensive 6-part
free seminar series titled Digital Sandbox to explore content development opportunities for distribution to digital media platforms, particularly 3G mobile networks.

Designed as a consecutive 6-month series Digital Sandbox will provide
detailed information on industry perspectives, global analysis, practical
case studies and advice on technical, production and business objectives to
assist Victorian-based film, television and digital media producers
consolidate project development for digital platforms.

Seminar 1 Seminar One will be a Masterclass to provoke an active discussion,
to help provide a more practical and practitioner-focussed approach to
assist film, television and digital media professionals to use 3G media

Digital Sandbox Seminar Program
Last Thursday of every month from May to October 2006
Venue: City Library seminar room, Level 1 / 253 Flinders Lane, Melbourne
T: (+ 61 3) 9660 3200

ALL- International Portable Film Festival – call for entries

The International Portable Film Festival is calling for challenging and inspiring film and video content for pre-selection in the 2006 IPFF Competition, which will take place in September and October 2006. This is the perfect forum for new ideas and new directions in film and we actively encourage those filmmakers who are unafraid to venture into the deep, beyond the known boundaries of film and the cinema, to submit. Those films that best express themselves through the portable medium will be considered for pre-selection.

Deadline: 30 June
Venue: Melbourne, Vic

International Portable Film Festival, 13 O'shanassy Street, North Melbourne 3051
T: + 61.413.006.135
F: + 61.(3)9326.3269


25 FPS Short Film Festival - Call for entries

25 FPS shows short international experimental film and video. The 2006 Short Film Festival is taking place in Zagreb, Croatia and it consists of a Competition, Retrospective and Special Screenings with lectures by international jury members. 25 FPS has three prizes, each 500 Euros; Audience Award and Special Mention by the Association for Audio-visual Research 25 FPS.
Deadline: June 1 2006
Exhibition dates: 20– 24 September 2006
Delivery address:

Hull International Film Festival- Call for submissions
Submissions for the 5th Hull International Short Film Festival are now open. The festival has a number of awards, is free to enter and accepts entries of fiction, documentary, animation and experimental work. Download the submission form and regulations at and send your short film masterpieces now. You can also sign up to receive regular email updates from Hull Film.
Festival dates: 27 September to 1 October 2006
Esther Johnson, Hull Film Director
Hull International Short Film Festival
Suite 12 Danish Buildings, 44-46 High Street, Hull HU1 1PS, United Kingdom

VAD2006 Festival Internacional de Vídeo i Arts Digitals - Call for entries

Send your videos, digital works and video installations to Video and Digital Arts International Competition of VAD2006. We invite you to visit our website where you will find all the necessary information to participate: entry form, terms and conditions, awards as well as the previous program of the festival.

Deadline: 30 June
Festival dates: 18-21 October, 2006
VAD Festival Internacional de Vídeo i Arts Digitals, Plaça de l'Hospital, 6, 17004
Girona, Spain
T: + 972 20 20 13

Antimatter Underground Film Festival - Call for entries

The ninth annual international festival seeks imaginative, volatile, entertaining and critical films and videos. Dedicated to the exhibition and nurturing of film and video as art, Antimatter is the premier showcase of experimental cinema in the west, encompassing screenings, installations, performances and hybrid media experiments.
Criteria: Independent productions, completed after 1 Jan 2004. Any genre . Max 30 mins. Must be a Victoria, Canada premiere. Formats: 16mm, Super 8, MiniDV, DVD, VHS (DVD or VHS for preview).
Also accepting proposals for expanded cinema and media-based performance.

Entry Fee: $20
Entry Deadlines: 31 May 2006
Festival Dates: 22 – 30 September 2006
Victoria, BC, Canada
Delivery address: Antimatter, 636 Yates Street, Victoria, BC, Canada V8W 1L3
Tel: +1 250 385 3327